

When our firstborn arrives we wish away their life…. we wish for the first smile, the first steps, the first day of school…. all of those life memories and living moments in their precious lives..


I simply cannot believe that my first born is almost 18 years old and at the end of this year my life as a mum will move to its next stage….. losing my baby to the big wide world…


I am sure we all come with an inbuilt dream for our kids. For them to be happy, to be self confident, to love themselves and their world, for them to want to make a difference, to be the best they want to be… to be who and what they dream to be…..

P1040816 BUT….. all of these dreams are not going to change the fact that when the firstborn, (and then the second and third), grow up and leave my nest I am going to be very excited for them, proud of them, supportive, encouraging AND heartbroken….

So today as I muse over the speed of life passing us by I just want to say how proud I am of MissM for finding herself a gap year placement at a Prep School in Somerset England for 2013… She will fly to the other side of the world and leave our daily lives for a year (at least) – she will grow and learn and experience and enjoy and laugh and travel and share and care and teach and cry and love. She will become wise and tolerant and appreciative and frustrated and scared and excited and every other emotion we all experience at one time in our lives..

You, like every other mother before me will feel my tears.. and understand my emotions…

I have been blessed with three beautiful, healthy girls who are my life…my reason for everything…and I know they will continue to be so wherever they may be…

AND….. ladies, looks like I’ll be coming back to Europe next year!!!!  as 12 months is just too long without at least one hug from my biggest girl…

hugs for today and thanks for listening..

