

Well the Neenie's Garden pattern and shop kit is finally finished and patterns are being folded and packed as I type. So my head can come up for air and I can reaquaint myself with my family, my garden and my blog friends. It seems so long since the US trip which I know I have not told you much about and my last book update. That is because nothing much has happened there! However, there is now some movement and some evidence of progress. So back to the beginning of this instalment.

When we arrived in Salt Lake City last month for HMQS Peggy (our host) received her copy of the latest Unlimited Possibilities magazine. She strategically left it near my breakfast - imagine my surprise...
The article was actually on my sister Tracey who quilted Blessed Baltimore but it my first big cover and was very exciting! And the photo looked fantastic showing up the quilting so well. So Vicki hung the quilt in their booth for the show which was perfect as I was teaching the technique at the show and students could see it up close and personal.
When browsing the internet at Peggys Tracey discovered this. Scroll down to 'upcoming releases'. Yay its really happening...
Moving on: next we moved onto Portland for Quilt Market. Now I had had suspicions that something was going on at AQS as all mention of my Editor had disappeared from the website so when I ran into her on setup day my suspicions were confirmed when she advised me that she had left AQS and they hadnt yet replaced her with an Editor - eeek - my book is supposed to be out in 5 months and I havent seen a thing to proof nor sent anything for photography. However she also told me that she had released 24 books in her 12 months there so they do manage to get a lot of books out in short time spaces so hope was still there...

I then met with Marge the Marketing and Sales Director and picked up a copy of this which was handed out to all stores at market-

eeek... there I was in all my glory (and I must say several people said I looked much different and should re do my photo - I really dont think I've changed that much in the past 10 months but I did appreciate one person who said I looked much younger in real life :) )
That brings us to this week. I have heard from the new Editor and projects and products have been requested for photography so it really is moving along now.
This process has been so different for me having previously been a selfpublisher and been so in control of the process. Also having very short deadlines - when I have finished a quilt or project I want it out there now - not two years down the track, so it has really taught me about patience.
So - preorders are already being taken on the site, I will soon have something to 'see' and then the fun starts I guess.
Thanks for following on and for being so patient - I will keep you updated still as to future outcomes.
hugs, Helen

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