

HI all, I have been a busy busy girl so sorry for my tardiness in posting here. Have had two shows the last two weekends and life in between. What have I been doing to fill my spare time I wonder. Well.. I did attend a Hens night on Saturday where I learnt Bollywood dancing - actually quite fun but I dont think I'll be performing it anytime soon.

My big success this week is that I finally figured out my Illustrator programme enough to draw my new designs for a large new project I am working on for November release. It has 104 designs - well actually about 52 designs and 52 verses or sayings...yes, one per week for a year. It is called 'Nice people, Nice things' and I plan to start another blog or group for all who participate with the hope it will inspire people to do one nice thing a day or week. Just think, if everyone in this world did just one nice thing out of the goodness of their heart each week, what a nicer place the world would be... So whilst I have mastered drawing on Illustrator I am not really up there with blog design and artwork so I have a challenge to any who may be reading my blog....

Design me a blog header and theme for 'Nice People, Nice things' - just has to be simple, nothing fancy just functional and suited to the theme. (although there are some really lovely blogs out there that I wish I had time to emulate) I can supply themes and designs..... the winner will recieve a full pack of the Pattern when released in November. Now as I am fairly new to blogging I dont even know how many people are reading this, so feel free to forward this challenge or get together with friends to have a go... It will be a place to list nice things that people have done, post extra patterns or designs, watch each others progress, share thoughts and dreams, successes and failures in life and in stitching. What a nice thing you would be doing.....and you know, it actually feels good to something nice for someone else.... so lets heal the world in our own small way

'One woman can only do so much but a group of women can do SO much.'

hugs for today


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