
I have been asked so many times in the last few months about digitising my designs for embroidery machines that I finally gave in and did some research. I know nothing about embroidery machines, how they work, how the files work and how the designs are digitised but I have a couple of very experienced mentors who are advising me... I have just received some stitched out samples in applique, outline and fully filled versions. What do you think? What options do you think embroider's would like and use?? I am thinking of the outline version so they could still colourque and the fully filled version. It says it takes 21/2 hours to stitch this one girl - I could hand stitch it in that time almost!! but I guess its set and forget to a point and you have a machine and a thread collection then this is what you would expect.
So, any comments are most welcomed..... I have a big decision to make....

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