
Well I have spent several days trawling through your emails and chasing angels. As ‘promised’ here is my final list.

Thankyou to all who offered to make gifts for those who missed out – feel free to choose one from the list below and email me for her details, I am sure they would be happy to receive anything – even just a new friendship which they didn't end up getting through the swap.

If you see your name on the fallen angel list- yes I hate to do this but am going to because I have run out of ways to try and find you – then please contact me if you think you shouldn't be there.

If you know anyone on the fallen email list and can get in contact with them (most of them are there because they have disappeared and I cannot make contact with them and they haven't sent anything or made any contact) then please do.


Those who missed out

Anett Adelstein

Debbie Arnold

Julie Gibbs

Joy Coey

Katrin Wanner

Loralynn Maresh 

Lucia Dwyer

Paula Ford

Rachel Measham Powell

Rachelle Jones

Susan Ikin

Teresa Sako

on the blogless list

Angie Carroll

Gayner Evans

Neta Virgin

I know there are some others who have not received but I believe you have all heard from your angels and it is coming.


and the naughty list of fallen angels that I cannot make contact with? PLEASE contact me if you read this…

Anabela Verissimo de Almeida
anna ramirez farre
Helene Enström
Karen McCleary
Gayle Bomers
ramirez farre anna
Veronique De Winne
carolyn jurrjens
Caty Sanchez
helene mhieux
vilma elizabeth rodriguez yañez
Marcela Macari


so from 350 swappers we do have a few problems still and a few more I am still trying to sort out – but mostly I have received lots of emails from happy angels with lots of new friends around the world.


