
Over the past couple of months other than coordinating the Angel swap which has been a lot of fun I have been busy developing a new wing to my business. This is something I thought long and hard about and the proposed long term outcome is supposed to mean less work for me and more time to get back to stitching. There is so much more involved in designing patterns and books other than stitching, and in the past couple of years  the 'so much more' has completely overtaken the fun part. Picture this: printing, folding, packing, ordering, stocking, processing, taking orders, shipping, mailing, paying, collecting, telling, selling, marketing, designing, desktop publishing, drawing, sticking, talking, cleaning, emailing, travelling, teaching, learning and computing - with sitting at the computer taking 80% of the time..... and all this under my one cap... Now don't get me wrong, I have learnt and enjoyed an awful lot along the way but I can no longer do any more than I am doing and it was time to begin to pass some of these jobs on. These jobs being the ones the designer doesn't want to do, the designer just wants to design....and in my ideal world I will get to do this again one day... and until I get to that point I have decided to help others do the same thing... get back to just designing and all the fun bits..

So on Friday of last week I announced to the world Pattern Press. Pattern Press will be publishing and Distributing Hugs 'n Kisses and others patterns and books worldwide. Our first new Designers to be released are the delightful Leonie and Deirdre of The Quilted Crow.

Final picture of girls

They are the owners of my local patchwork store and are great friends, peers and designers. They hold their ever popular stitching gatherings twice yearly and have been designing their own patterns for these retreats and their store for three years. Here are a few samples of their work...

Halloween & Blessings 007

Autumn Pathways BOM for APQbig copy


Traditional in Woolcoverpic

I know they will do well, don't you think? They love to work with the lovely easy to use wools....but everything can be done with cottons also. So please visit their blog and send them big hugs and wishes of good luck as they too embark on a new direction with nervous giggles and anticipation. Then watch for their patterns in your local store...

hugs for today, Helen
