

As promised some pics (s0rry many) of yesterdays wonderful gathering. The girls and their husbands had spent the whole day Friday setting up and decorating and what a wonderful feast for the eyes, the spirit and the passion of togetherness the day was.... 73 sharing, excited, passionate women coming together to switch off and have fun in a warm and inviting atmosphere of the sweet Campania country hall.... My voice was hoarse last night from talking and demonstrating so much and I didnt even get to every table.. I am sorry if I missed you... Met lots of lovely personalities, hopefully gave some knowledge, skills or inspiration to some of you in any small way. Lots of colouring, stitching, piping hotties and chatter in my corner..thankyou so much to Deidre and Leonie for inviting me to share in this day. The next is the Autumn Gathering with Lynette Anderson as the guest tutor. I'll be booking in to that one. hugs, Helen

the projects for the day are in front of the stage here where the 'shop' was beautifully setup inspiring many purchases of goodies on the day!

Michelle Vince, a local designer for the day


Deidre at the welcoming table giving out name tags and kits



Leonie and her 'best side'



the gorgeous little gift boxes they each got on the day....full of Christmas suprises...



All the walls of the hall were adorned with Christmas cheer as were the tables complete with Deidre's fir trees - are there any left at home?




The hall looked so warm and welcoming and set the mood for the day...
I jsut love gatherings and I think we should all attend one at year at least - now onto organising mine for the 28th October - a little different as its also a charity day...
hugs to all for today
Helen - who then went out to see James Morrison, Emma Pask and the Tasmanian Symphony orchestra last night - a wonderful show but a very long day...






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