
Firstly, do you like my new look for Chrissy?  Since using Livewriter to post to my blog I haven't been to TypePad 'behind the scenes' for awhile and its all changed! jeepers, you just learn something and they go and change it all, hopefully for the better except I made one mistake, I saved the new theme over the old one so I'll have to start all over again after Christmas.

I always try to make one handmade decoration for my girls for the tree each year... I have started this years but got sidetracked with teacher presents which then became requests for simply everyone... so in the past 5 days I have made


12 little penny pockets/cone pouches/bunting pouches courtesy of Happy Zombie with a few minor changes


filled with home made white Christmas, chocolate fudge, and mars bar truffles (our favourite from the Christmas Truffles book) all made by Tess (11). These were all for teacher presents..

11 Sock monkeys courtesy of Kristine Howard - did some work on these whilst watching netball - think I'll be doing a class project at school next year!

look at them all cuddling up together (a couple have escaped with the gingerbread man!)



they have become such close friends I am loathe to separate them to send to nieces, god daughters, one teacher, one best friend and then to each of my girls who ALL want one too! Look at those eyes, just saying 'please don't send us away"

IMG_5018  IMG_5021

three or four of these quick and simple teener bags - they were claimed quicker than I could make them! - no pattern, just worked these ones out sorry....and used up scraps from the stash

what have you handmade this year? Its always so much nicer to include something from the heart in the gift packages don't you think? There are lots of ideas and patterns in blogland and its not too late to start! - well nearly too late but there are still 8 days to go!

hugs from Helen

PS, the first shipment of Faux Applique books are gone so orders are being taken in order of receipt for the next box.
