
Many of you have put your Life is beautiful quilt on hold whilst you stitch your Aussie spirit quilts – with more and more unexpected and tragic events occurring in our country and our NZ neighbours’ it is hard to remember that life is still beautiful. As a reminder to stop and consider the positives in your life my quilt will be featured  on Jenifer of Forty Two quilts Wednesday Quilt Show tomorrow.


This one is Annelie’s version and it is hanging in Den Haan &Wagenmakers in The Netherlands (I so have this store on my wish list!)


and here it is hanging in Petra’s booth at the Quiltexpo in Vijfhuizen – did anyone see it?

The original is winging its way to Quiltefryd to display at the Norwegian Quilting Association March 17th in Tromsoe  - maybe you can see it there? (and maybe me too one day!) and then to me in Salt Lake City so it will be well travelled, spreading the message to appreciate life.

Remember to



hugs to you all

