

Our ever popular and favourite Designer Lynette Anderson of Lynette Anderson Designs is this weeks generous stitcher. She has put together this cute little scissor holder with her favourite theme of the moment (due to the adoption of a little stray kitten) of kittens. Download the PDF of the project below or drop over to Lynettes' Blog for a full tutorial. Be sure to say thanks whilst you are there.

Download lynettesherekitty.pdf

I am so glad you are all enjoying this swap so much. I get so many emails from you saying how wonderful it is to be making new friends across the world and doesnt if give a sense of warmth to make something special for somebody else. With each stitch you can imagine the pleasure it will also bring to your partner. You are all special angels.

One of our angels Jeanette sent me this message:

Hi, I created a flickr group for people to share pictures of their packages as they receive them.
I think it will be a great place for those of us struggling with ideas to see what others have done and get some good ideas for our swap recipients.
Can you let the swappers know?
So we now have two flickr groups, one for posting pics of your projects as you make them and another for photos of your wonderful suprises in the mailbox.
thankou Jeantte.
well I shall be off now and set this to post at 10am Monday morning (Tassie Time) as I know you will all be anxiously waiting. I wonder how long it will take for the first finished 'Here Kitty' to arrive in blogland?
hugs, Helen
