
It has been a pleasure (and sometimes a challenge) to work with Miss Matilda’s Grade two class this term on a quilt project.

The class was studying minibeasts with great enthusiasm and then tessellations in Numeracy.  So thinking cap on for an idea they could manage, each be challenged but not too much, complete in a reasonable amount of time and of course with a typical small budget.

First I printed out hexagon templates and each child drew a picture of their chosen bug within the hexagon.

They then traced onto fusible webbing paper – mmmmm much was wasted as they discovered the lovely soft webbing that could easily come off and make quite a mess!photo1 1

This was cut and ironed onto brightly coloured felt, then fused to background hexagons – which I cut from scraps of fleece or polar fleece I had at home.

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Over the next few weeks the teacher and myself worked with small groups as they stitched with wool to embellish and secure their ‘parts’. photo 13Molly was dragged into help a couple of times…..

Buttons were a very popular finishing touch.

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Finally the backing was purchased – two colours and the class each designed a layout using a hexagon grid – with the winning bid being used to put our class blocks together.photo 1

to produce the final result which was proudly presented this morning….to many oohs, ahhs, wows and photos from parents, grandparents and kids alike.. We will do the official show and tell at assembly next term and then we plan to enter it into our State Exhibition next year  - a  long wait for 7 year olds!IMG_5509

It was a pleasure to watch the kids learn and master stitches, some managed to learn to thread their needle (with thick wool mind you – not an easy feat) and to tie a knot. Some mastered just one stitch,others wanted to learn more. I heard many stories of mums and grandmas who quilt, of projects they’d made before or what they think they can make now that they are stitchers and quilters! all very inspiring to a stitching mum..

























to see their faces when they could say - ‘they made that’ made it all worthwhile…

hugs for today

