




WEll mum's not the greatest photographer so Tilly is starting early! She has worked out how to turn on and shoot, change from view to shoot and how to turn the rotating view screen around to take photographs of herself. Only problem is no-one else can get a turn and my memory cards are full of photos of anything that moves.. Maybe one day she can photograph all of my projects, now to start her off on Illustrator and Photoshop so she can do my artwork too....

I was hoping Molly may go this way but she has told me last night that she soon has to choose next years subject choices and IT wont be one of them - really didnt like designing on the computer at all.... but she is definitely choosing a full year of art so thats a start.

Does anyone know how to get the border boxes around photos on Blogspot, I havent been able to find out how to do this and it looks much nicer.... One of those things on my list of things to play and do..

I have wasted two hours surfing wonderful blogs today after returning from school quilt sessions and have added some great ones to my links - go waste some time too...





