
I have had so many queries regarding the newsletter offer I mentioned a few posts ago. I am sorry to confuse you. I have an electronic newsletter list from my website which many of you are subscribed to but confusion with the blog posts or feeds reigns. So those who missed out you can have a look at the newsletter here and subscribe if you like. It is very different to my blog as it is more an advertising portal for Hugs 'n Kisses but I don't send out very often so I shall leave it up to you.

In the meantime I thought I'd tell you about a couple of unexpected guests who have visited lately!

Firstly a little furry friend who happened to jump from the top shelf of our pantry where he was unashamedly enjoying a packet of chips (crisps) onto my shoulder, down my body to the floor and disappear into our bedroom! Sorry I don't have a photo, I was too busy screaming and jumping onto the kitchen bench to grab for the camera.... but here is some evidence of his stomach upset..




Now my big brave husband pretended to be asleep through all of this until he realised he was sharing the bedroom with it... however it was never to be found so we sleep in fear of a visitor chewing our toes....

Our next unexpected visitor was a much nicer surprise. Two years ago we hosted through the AFS programme a young girl from Switzerland. She became our fourth daughter and fitted in with our little family very nicely despite us adding 14kg to her girth during her stay... Well two weeks ago who should walk through the door unannounced but our Essie..(minus the extra kgs)


We have kept in touch via email since she returned home but she had kept this secret since March and it was such a lovely surprise. She is visiting our country for 6 months so we hope to see a lot of her. She does not stitch but she does live just down the road from the Bernina factory so I feel she has a connection to all of us:) and look forward to visiting her home one day in Switzerland.

hugs, Helen
