
Well it has been some time hasn't it? lost but not forgotten hopefully. I have travelled many miles, managed to drive on the wrong (right) side of the road, met so many new and wonderful friends and revisited with many dear old friends across the country. I have returned with daughter in tow (she would have happily stayed and taken up the many invites she had to travel to more states of the US) and with many exciting things to follow up on.

I’ll shall cover my travels for you in a few posts over the next week or so but we’ll start at the main point of the trip – International Quilt Market Spring – Portland Oregon.

For those new to quilt market it is HUGE and I mean HUGE compared to anything we have in Australia. It never ceases to amaze me the creativity gathered in one place for all to admire.

When we first arrive we are greeted simply with this;

photo 3

a bare floor, an undressed table and some very flimsy pipe and drape walls.. photo 1 the isles fill with crates, boxes and pallets..

photo 4

they are unpacked and booths slowly begin to take shape over two days

photo 2  photo 2

after two days of prissing, primping, moving, adjusting,pinning and discussing we end up with this.

photo 3

my demo table and a couple of seats for weary bodies to sit and order and chat

photo 1 my outside corner wow wall! I placed the new ‘Cornelian’ quilt here and some other redwork projects on this cute dresser loaned to me by the wonderful Vicki..

photo 4 can you see the wonderful bunting Jo made for me?

This was the inside of my wall and featured more redwork –yes the Thought of the Months and Rasberry ripple quilt.photo 5

thanks to Emma’s idea we setup a wall with several curtain rods to display all of the Block of the Month Quilts. Many of my best selling BOM’s were being return to me in Portland so I knew I would have too many to display on our few flat walls. This idea worked so well and allowed people to draw different quilts open to view both front and back..photo 2 I was happy with how it all turned out with goods from three suitcases….







Unfortunately I was so busy I didn't get out of my booth until Sunday afternoon and didn't get many shots of other booths at all. But I will show you more on our trip tomorrow.. and you can google ‘quilt market photos’ and see many many photos from other vendors and attendees to inspire you..


til next time

Hugs and happy stitching

