
Studio Tour

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I have been invited to take part in a blog tour of quilting blogs! Of course I can never say no to the chance of seeing other designers and other quilters studios so I said yes! You can hop to others using the blogring down on the right side of my blog… or of course this one above here but do stay awhile and chat here first!

Now the lovely Sue just posted a story on my studio and of course I only gave her pretty pictures to use…so I guess I have to find something different to show you, so for once only here is a photo of the REAL state of my studio at present……….arrrghh, forget you saw this.. I need a housekeeper (or studio keeper) to clean up after me…


there are about 9 projects in progress on my cutting table, notes, fabrics, a new project with colour chart on the ironing board piles of fabrics, transfers, pellon, and stuff!


under the table are all fabrics I am using at present (in the 9 or so projects above)


can you see all of those triangles I cut off in the Summer Holiday Mystery quilt that I promised I’d make into something for you – they are still there!


and the pile of paperwork on my desk is not much smaller!  oh dear…

I hope you enjoyed the REAL look at my studio, I really want one that looks like this, or this, or this.. but guess if this is the best way I work, then so be it…. pop over and look at me here to see the nicer bits…

hugs, Helen
