
Merete Veian from Norway. Congratulations Merete and welcome to the swap. Something will be flying your way - literally over the cyberclouds....

Just a few housekeeping notes on the swap - On the 15th August I will be sending an email to all entrants to confirm their commitment and contactability - ie just one last check that you know what you have gotten yourself into, you know what all the 'rules' are - ie what you have to do, and just to check that your email contact I have is correct. If I dont hear back from you I will have to remove you from the swap as you need to be contactable and make the comittment to follow through on with your goodies.

then we will begin the task of swapping partners. You will then be emailed your secret stitcher assignment in time for the free patterns to arrive here from your favourite designers....

I know it sounds all a bit formal but with assistance from Swap diva Chooky Blue I am trying to make it fair and fun to all so that no-one is disappointed and all goes well... and I am sure it will.

so hugs for today,


PS Ulla sent me this to share with you, love the colours for a nice change.
