
Whilst testing my blocks for my latest Block of the Month Project ‘In The Good Old Days’, I decided to use one right here to send to Leah and see what she did with it! 

and here are the results! Pop over to her blog to see what and why!

2017-04-03 12.37.30

so here’s a quick tute on how I made it..



Make four A/B and eight B/C half square triangle units.17094215_10154449877853367_526313207_n17092277_10154449877873367_971837431_n

Place the squares right sides together with all edges even. Use a Clearly Perfect Angles tool to eliminate the need to mark diagonal lines. Check out this video for help on the tool – it is brilliant and will give you accurate units every time.


So to make half square triangle units you are going to line the point up with that grey line and stitch 1/4” either side of what would be a centre line. 17077968_10154449877943367_377002033_nChain piece all the units through and then turn them and stitch down the other side.17077831_10154449878053367_1663546449_nThen use scissors or your rotary cutter and ruler to cut them apart down the center of the two stitch lines (point to point)

17093878_10154449878108367_1175510337_nPress them all open. You will have 4 corner blocks and 8 blocks which go on the 4 sides of your finished block.17078017_10154449878203367_377469721_nNOw take your D squares, right sides together and make four half square triangles as before.17077819_10154449878703367_1563259353_nYou are then going to use your ruler and cutter and cut them in half point to point. And discad the four top halves (use them for something else one day)17092055_10154449878978367_474540686_nNext we find the four C triangles (we cut our squares in half earlier). Place right sides together and stitch along the long edge-  you need to take care not to stretch this bias edge.17035271_10154449879018367_1102053246_nPress open carefully.

Now lay all your units into rows and stitch together matching all points. note: if you press the seams in each row in opposite directions (ie top row to left, 2nd row to right) then they will butt up nicely and make for easier seam matching.


To complete my block I added corners to put it on point (note: this was testing my measurements for my BOM quilt side and corner set triangles)

Cut two squares light fabric 5 3/4”

Cross cut once to make four triangles

Cut one strip red fabric 1 1/2” x wof

Lay the triangles right sides together along the long cut edge on the red fabric strip. Stitch taking care not to stretch the bias edge. Leave space in between each one for turning and cutting.


Press red strip outwards and use a ruler and cutter to trim the red strip at an angle in line with the edge.


Attach a triangle to opposite sides of your block. press open. Attach remaining two and press out. Trim your block and then see what Leah does with her amazing quilting!


This is where and how I used my block! can you spot it?


hugs for today

and thanks Leah for the invite to work with you.

