
A lot of panic stitching and late nights around here last week to get some new models to Spain – yes Spain, any friends over there watch out for them… Even Lori had to put the stitching glasses on and stitch wildly into the night. But we got them done and these are the results…


Lori stitched these ones for me – they are the 3 designs from Angel Kisses Huggette pattern. Didn’t she do a good job? We must tell her so so she will keep at it… I made these up into three separate cushions using the blue woollen felt as a border behind them.


These two I stitched from the Bear Hugs Huggette Pattern.


I love this one, it has a mummy hugging her daughter and the verse says ‘I love being loved by you’.


I added some of my favourite jumbo ric rac to these.


Lastly was a small sample of the Life Is Beautiful quilt. These samples are for a trade show where space is limited so just a taster is what they were after. I know many, many of you have been watching or have ordered Life is Beautiful over in Europe so they may soon be more widely available over there in your local stores.









in the meantime follow this verse perhaps…



What’s been stitching in your studio?

hugs for today

