
I am so excited…. I have my very own personally made thread! yes, the wonderful Pam of Cottage Garden Threads after discussions in Melbourne last year has played and played to make me my very own thread for redwork… as you know I like to use a variegated red – I think it really adds movement to redwork stitcheries and creates interest and depth.

Look what Pam has hand dyed for me….


and it is called ‘Hugs ‘n Kisses red #1007 of the Red border family

it is currently available in a stranded cotton or a Perle #12  - and they are sending some for a giveaway….not today tho…. I will let you all see it when it arrives…

If you are stitching Life is Beautiful, Twas the Night before Christmas or any other of my redwork patterns this thread would be just lovely to use. I’ll have some very soon for you or ask your local store to get it from Pam for you.


hugs and excitement for today,

