
Today is the 31st October so the Angel Swap has now officially closed. I have been receiving lots of lovely emails, both from Angels to tell me they have posted or from Angels who are thrilled to have received their goodies. We did also have one sad mishap where an Angels parcel was stolen out of her letterbox before she could collect it.  But her Angel is madly replacing some goodies for her whilst others have offered to send things also so she doesn't miss out. Aren't stitchers wonderful - it obviously wasn't a stitcher who wanted the stolen goodies, perhaps a fallen angel?

I too was a very lucky stitcher this week with not one but two little goodie parcels coming to my door.....words cannot express my thanks to Dawn for the cutest little bookmark from 'her side of the sea'


Dawn you have no idea what it means for someone to make something for me...

then, Cristina sent this huge package of typical Italian goods which arrived yesterday.


Now she says that it is illegal to send any food products out of their country - how unfair not to share with us! However she has invited me over to taste it there and I may just take her up on it one day.... I'll dream about it for now. She also couldn't send any of their famous Italian monuments - well why not? so she had to settle with the above goodies - am I disappointed? no way.... now I cannot read or speak Italian (the kids after one year of Italian 6 years ago tried for me) but I can look at photos and pictures and I think I could work these beautiful projects out...plus they have come from another perfect angel.

Thankyou so much Cristina and Dawn, although not expected, much appreciated.

Now you should all have posted your three projects to your partner by now. If for some reason life has gotten in the way and you are running behind PLEASE email your partner to let them know and I am sure they will patiently wait a little longer for you to deliver. Communication is the key.

If you have delivered, you are a perfect angel - have you revealed yourself to your partner? I do hope you have met many new stitching friends and continue to develop life long friendships.

Due to many many requests I will probably run it again about the same time next year so keep the RSS feed going or check back often so as not to miss out.

NOW..... to the clues

I know it was a difficult test, we couldn't make it too easy could we - but I also know at least one Angel who has managed to get them all.

So you have THREE days to email me with your answer to the treasure hunt clues. There were 14 words to collect which put together in the correct order will make a lovely verse.

I did say originally to post the clues in a comment but that would be telling everyone the answer and reducing your chances so just leave a comment and email me the answer. I shall choose five correct answers at random.

good luck

one final thanks to our generous designers also

Natalie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches (has she had her baby yet?)

May Britt our favourite blogger from Norway

Karen Gass of Cotton Spice

Lynette Anderson O'Rourke of Lynette Anderson Designs

Tracy of Plumcute Designs

Sue Daley of Patchwork with Busy Fingers

hugs, Helen - the temporarily retired Archangel
